Anorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry is a part of chemistry science which involves the complete properties of 118 elements of periodical table, their chemical structures and behaviors. Moreover, it has a significant share in the field of other disciplines. Also, Inorganic Chemistry is a fundamental chemistry as a reference for inorganic industrial production processes, material science, catalysts, semiconductors and super conductors, soil-agriculture, medicine, environmental sciences, construction, mine-metallurgy, nanotechnology etc.


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Prof. Dr. Bahattin YALÇIN


(Head of Inorganic Chemistry Division)


*e-mail: byalcin


Phone: 0216 777 3351


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Prof. Dr. Ahmet Orhan GÖRGÜLÜ


*e-mail: agorgulu


Phone: 0216 777 3351

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Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Gazi SAĞLAM


*e-mail: egazi


Phone: 0216 777 3378

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Prof. Dr. Şaziye OKAY


*e-mail: sabdur


Phone: 0216 777 3374


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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra KAKI


*e-mail: ekaki


Phone: 0216 777 3356


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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice BİRTANE


*e-mail: hatice.ceylan


Phone: 0216 777 3360


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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mete Kaan EKMEKÇİ


*e-mail: mekmekci

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Assist. Prof. Dr. Mücahit ÖZDEMİR


*e-posta: mucahit.ozdemir


Tel. No: 0216 777 3351


Res. Assist. Cansu DİCLE


*e-mail: cansu.dicle




* should be added.

This page updated by Kimya Bölümü on 09.03.2025 21:49:31